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The Science of Organic Growth



Company Profile 

Dragan Macura established AgroThrive in 2006. Dragan took his passion for food safety, organic integrity, and environmental stewardship to a new level by starting this company in Salinas Valley, CA. For the past 16 years, it has been successfully manufacturing the world's fast-acting liquid organic fertilizers for USDA-certified farmers across the USA who supply the local grocery stores with the fresh organic produce that ends up on people's dinner tables. AgroThrive is built on the stringent belief that all organic wastes can be converted to nutritious and safe organic fertilizers via the Progressive Digestion Process. The company is built around family values. The founder's two sons have been part of AgroThrive since its beginning and are actively involved in day-to-day operations.

AgroThrive is a liquid organic fertilizer manufacturer in operation since 2006. Its nutrient-rich liquid organic fertilizers feed and protect plants by providing a wide array of micro and macronutrients, plant beneficial microbes, and by feeding beneficial microbes already in the soil. The company manufactures and sells general purpose fertilizers andorganic fertilizers for its customers. You can learn more about the company by visiting it at agrothrive .com . You can find a range of products from AgroThrive here at DK Hardware.  

Strategic Partnership 

AgroThrive has partnered with well-educated, passionate, talented, and energetic professionals to help lead the company to greater heights. Everyone at the company believes that agriculture's future lies in reducing reliance on synthetic and chemical fertilizers while increasing organic inputs for improved soil health. 


Poised for Growth 

AgroThrive's growth in the past 16 years has majorly come by word of mouth in the farming community, which is a testimony to the company's high-quality products. The company's customers are key members of AgroThrive's extended family and significantly contribute to its continued success. Agro Thrive is excited to offer its professional-grade fertilizers to the gardening community so that every home grower has the chance to grow like a Pro!